A flourishing freelance business starts with a strong financial foundation.

60% of freelancers make more money freelancing than in their old 9-to-5.

But what do you do once you have all that money?

How do manage it properly and use it to build a life you love? How do set yourself up for success from the get-go?

Money Hungry Freelancers - Money management tips for freelancers

POV: You're living your best life financial life.

You’re prepared for slow months, you’re not scared of taxes, and you’re crushing your income goals.

Nothing can stop you, you freelancing queen. 👑💖

Money Hungry Freelancers - finance tips for freelancers

End the freelancing struggle once and for all

Stop feeling overwhelmed by your finances.

finance tips for freelancers - Money Hungry Freelancers

Take control of your money and future.

finance tips for freelancers - Money Hungry Freelancers

Sleep easier at night knowing you've got an organized financial system in place. 😎

finance tips for freelancers - Money Hungry Freelancers

Gain the confidence you need to chase after your hungriest money goals. 🤑

finance tips for freelancers - Money Hungry Freelancers

Go from broke freelancer to money hungry💰


Rip the Band-aid off & build your budget in just 5 days

Hey, I’m Cassidy!

I started freelancing full-time in March 2019. Since then, I've:

  • Grown my income from $32k to $144k+ a year 💅

  • Worked 25 to 30 (relaxed) hours a week—in my comfy sweats with a cat in my lap 😻

  • Booked last-minute trips without needing to look at my calendar or beg a boss for time off 🙌

  • Built my work schedule around my life schedule (instead of the other way around) 🤩

Building a freelance life you love starts with having a solid system in place.

Because when your finances are in order, you feel calm. You have clarity.

You can *finally* tackle your hungriest money goals and chase your wildest dreams. (Taylor Swift pun intended.)

So, get ready to organize those finances and melt that stress away, bebe! You’ve got a dreamy life to build. ✨